Milborne Port churches

Event Diary

St John's Church Fete 2022
St John's Church Fete 2022
X St John's Church Fete 2022 St John's Church Fete 2022
Friday 11 October 2024

6:30pm Harvest Supper

Church House, Milborne Port

Christian Aid Logo
X Christian Aid Logo Christian Aid Logo

Friday 11th October 6:30pm for 7pm, at Church House, Milborne Port.

Short Quiz and raffle.

All funds in aid of Christian Aid.

Tickets £7.50 available from Clare Silk [tel 548472 or 548472]

Offers of help gratefully received!


7:00pm NO Choir Practice

St John's, Milborne Port

St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday.  For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion, but occasionally sings an anthem instead of one of the hymns.  New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welsome.