This page lists future events in the Benefice in ascending date order. For all services please see the Church Calendar. Click on any event for more information or on the links below to select a different month.
To see slideshows of photos of some past events please go to the Photo Gallery.
7:00pm Choir Practice
St John's, Milborne Port
St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday. For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion or an anthem plus one hymn. New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welcome.
7:30pm St John's Bellringing Practice
St John's Church, Milborne Port
St John’s Practice: Wednesdays 7.30 to 9.00 pm
Sunday Service Ringing: 10.00 to 10.30 am
Tower Contact: Susan Wales 01963 250660
7:00pm Choir Practice
St John's, Milborne Port
St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday. For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion or an anthem plus one hymn. New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welcome.
7:30pm St John's Bellringing Practice
St John's Church, Milborne Port
St John’s Practice: Wednesdays 7.30 to 9.00 pm
Sunday Service Ringing: 10.00 to 10.30 am
Tower Contact: Susan Wales 01963 250660
7:00pm Choir Practice
St John's, Milborne Port
St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday. For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion or an anthem plus one hymn. New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welcome.
6:30pm An Evening of Music Ancient, Modern and all..
St Peter’s Church GoathillÂ
Popular and Classical music
Performers to include:
- Fiona Morland & Scilla Copper - Piano & ‘Cello
- Hot Flush - Voice & Guitar
- John Willetts - Classical Guitar
- Amelia Monaghan - ‘Cello & Voice
- Ruth Armstrong, Maggie Nightingale & Susan Wales - Recorders
- Rachel Willetts - Accompanist
Entrance by donation (please be as generous as you are able). Cash only – thank you.
Wine/soft drink at interval
ALL proceeds for the benefit of St Peter’s, Goathill
7:30pm St John's Bellringing Practice
St John's Church, Milborne Port
St John’s Practice: Wednesdays 7.30 to 9.00 pm
Sunday Service Ringing: 10.00 to 10.30 am
Tower Contact: Susan Wales 01963 250660
7:00pm NO Choir Practice
St John's, Milborne Port
St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday. For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion or an anthem plus one hymn. New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welcome.
12:00pm Deadline for Parish Magazine entries
All entries for the September issue of the magazine to the editor please by Saturday 24th August at 12 noon latest.
Editor’s email :
All email contributions will be acknowledged. If you do not receive a reply, or if you are unable to use email, please ring 01963 33495
2:00pm Milborne Wick Cream Tea
7:30pm St John's Bellringing Practice
St John's Church, Milborne Port
St John’s Practice: Wednesdays 7.30 to 9.00 pm
Sunday Service Ringing: 10.00 to 10.30 am
Tower Contact: Susan Wales 01963 250660
7:00pm Choir Practice
St John's, Milborne Port
St John's Choir members meet most Fridays in St John's Church from 7 to about 8pm to rehearse hymns and anthems for the following Sunday. For Holy Communion services the choir normally sings two hymns during communion or an anthem plus one hymn. New members in all voice parts (SATB) would be very welcome.