Below is a list of letters from the rectory published in each copy of the Milborne Port Magazine. Just click on any title in the list below to see a summary and a link to the full letter in PDF format.
Letter from the Rectory November 2023
Letter from the Rectory October 2023

October is a month which is bookended with giving thanks. We begin the month giving thanks for the Harvest, and Creation, and we end the month giving thanks for those we have loved who have died.
September 2023 Letter from Rev Rona

As I write this the world is burning. Unbelievably high temperatures, lists of countries battling wildfires, animals on land, in the air and in the sea dying.
Letter from the Rectory August 2023

At the July Deanery Synod meeting we were treated to a delightful talk by the Rev Helen Drever on Art in Churches. She took us through the history of God the Creator giving us creativity, and human beings displaying their response to God through art in Churches and as a part of worship since time began.
From The Rectory July 2023

On July 10th, 1973, I was dressed in the red PE kit of my house colours: my school’s houses were named after Caribbean tribes: Lucayan (red), Carib (blue), Taino (yellow) and Arawak (green).