Milborne Port churches

Are you being called to do something in our community?

Are you being called to do something in our community?

Are you being called to do something in our community?

I firmly believe that God puts it on the heart of people that they could do a particular role, whether it be in Church or in the Community. Amongst those of you reading this, there will be people God has done that to. So if there is anyone who feels they could play an extra part of this thriving faith community please have a word with me!

This has become more urgent as after many years of faithful service Jacquie Hall will be stepping down as Churchwarden and moving into the role of Pastoral Support within the Parish. As well as thanking her for her service, we would like to take this opportunity to separate out some elements of the workload in St John's. 

Do you feel that God has placed it on your heart to get involved in the workings of the Church (as either Churchwarden or Deputy Churchwarden so you could learn on the job)? Or the maintenance of the building? What about putting together lists of those who can read and lead intercessions - would you like to take on this important but not onerous task?

St Paul's letters in the Bible remind us that we are the Body of Christ. All members have a function, just like all members of the body. Is there something which you feel you could offer which would help us to keep St John's going as a thriving spiritual community? We really need your help.

With blessings
Rev Rona