This page includes various news items including the Pew News, Magazine, the Rectory Letter for each month and special prayers. Just click on any title bar to view the news item and download any associated document and, if there is an image, to click on it to see a larger version. Also please use the links on the right to select other news types including Pew News and Magazines.
Snowdrop Coffee Morning
Thank You to all who came. We raised a fabulous £588.10 for St Peter’s Church, Goathill
By kind permission of Drs Holden and Salkeld
Charity and Mission @ St John's
During March 2024 we shall be supporting The Rendezvous, Sherborne.
They support local disadvantaged young people by listening and offering help and advice in order to build confidence and self esteem.
Brass Cleaning
Could you help us keep the brass in St John's church shining? It takes about 1-1 1/2 hrs and it’s only 4 times a year.
If you can help please phone Anne Salkeld on:
07841434130/01963 250529 or email:
Milborne Port Christian Aid Committee
In these times when many are suffering financial hardship, we are so grateful for the very kind and generous donations for Christian Aid that you gave during 2023. We were able to send a total of £2,174.30, a slight increase on 2022. Major income sources included the 2022 Christmas services loose collections (£215.00), the Lent Lunches (£781.05), the Harvest Supper (£392.00), and Christian Aid Week (£739.30).
The committee consists of Anne Salkeld, Felicity John, Clare Silk, Margaret Curtis and me and we are organising a similar programme of events in 2024 so please continue to support us. As well as the Lent Lunches, there will be hot cross buns and coffee after the 10.00 am Good Friday service at St John’s. Christian Aid Week will as usual be in May.
Thank you again for all your contributions.
David Johnson (Hon. Treasurer)
Are you being called to do something in our community?
Are you being called to do something in our community?
I firmly believe that God puts it on the heart of people that they could do a particular role, whether it be in Church or in the Community. Amongst those of you reading this, there will be people God has done that to. So if there is anyone who feels they could play an extra part of this thriving faith community please have a word with me!
This has become more urgent as after many years of faithful service Jacquie Hall will be stepping down as Churchwarden and moving into the role of Pastoral Support within the Parish. As well as thanking her for her service, we would like to take this opportunity to separate out some elements of the workload in St John's.
Do you feel that God has placed it on your heart to get involved in the workings of the Church (as either Churchwarden or Deputy Churchwarden so you could learn on the job)? Or the maintenance of the building? What about putting together lists of those who can read and lead intercessions - would you like to take on this important but not onerous task?
St Paul's letters in the Bible remind us that we are the Body of Christ. All members have a function, just like all members of the body. Is there something which you feel you could offer which would help us to keep St John's going as a thriving spiritual community? We really need your help.
With blessings
Rev Rona
New Bank Account for St John's
The bank account for St John's is changing.
If you already pay by Direct Debit or Standing Order then your details will automatically change over. You do not need to do anything. It will show on your statement as the Co-op bank.
If you want to set up a new DD or SO, the bank details are:
- Account name: PCC of St John the Evangelist Church Milborne Port
- Account no: 67314098
- Sort code: 08-92-99
If you need any help, please contact Paul Springett who is the treasurer, at
Bishop Michael letter to parishes
Bishop Michael's letter of 13 December 2023 refers to Prayers of Love and Faith for same sex couples. The Bishop asks parishes to consider the decision of the House of Bishops regarding these prayers.
Lent Group 2024
Reading the Psalms using The Message Bible Translation
Challenge: To read all the Psalms and reflect on them.
Gathering: Once a week, Wednesday 12-1 in a different Benefice Church.
To do:
- Get hold of a copy of The Message Bible, translation by Eugene Peterson (or access it online at Message Bible.)
- Grab a notebook to write down what you notice.
- Follow the reading plan in the table that will be provided.
- Gather and share your reflections each week.
Discipline: Daily reading and time of reflection for 40 days.
Psalm Reading Suggestions:
Day 1 1-6 | Day 11 39-42 | Day 21 78 | Day 31 112-117 |
2 7-10 | 12 43-46 | 22 79-83 | 32 118-119 vs 32 |
3 11-17 | 13 47-50 | 23 84-88 | 33 119 vs 33-104 |
4 18 | 14 51-55 | 24 89-90 | 34 119: vs105-176 |
5 19-21 | 15 56-60 | 25 91-94 | 35 120-130 |
6 22-24 | 16 61-65 | 26 95-101 | 36 131-137 |
7 25-28 | 17 66-68 | 27 102-103 | 37 138-142 |
8 29-32 | 18 69-71 | 28 104-105 | 38 143-144 |
9 33-35 | 19 72-74 | 29 106-107 | 39 145-147 |
10 36-38 | 20 75-77 | 30 108-111 | 40 148-150 |
Choose a date to sponsor for 2024
Please help us with the daily running costs of our beautiful and historic St John's Church.
Choose a date (s), e.g. birthday, anniversary or special day, as many as you like! Then for each date, contribute £30 which goes towards the upkeep of the Church.
You can pay through BACS, Ref (SaD 23) cash or cheque - and either phone or email or complete an application form with your chosen date(s) 01963 250328/07740 862 823
Jackie will be away in March so please use the postbox outside Church House.
We will list the special days in Pew News, thanking God for that memory and for your generosity in helping us keep our lovely Church open.
Epiphany House Blessing
From 5th January onwards we can 'chalk our doors' with the traditional house blessing - 20+C+M+B+24. Usually, these symbols are chalked above the house door. This tradition has biblical roots going back to the story of Moses in the Bible when the Israelites were asked to put the blood of a lamb or goat on the doorposts and above the doors of the houses.
What Do The Epiphany Symbols Mean?
The Epiphany door blessing includes the initials of the traditional names for the 3 kings, plus the numbers from the current year. The first number “20″ is for the first 2 numbers of the year, and the last number “24” is for the last 2 numbers of the year. The 3 letters are the first initial of each of the kings (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar). who, legend says, visited at this time. The “C, M, B also stands for the Latin blessing Christius Mansionem Benedicat which means “May Christ Bless this House”.
If you would like me to, I will chalk your lintel with those letters and numbers, and say a prayer of blessing If you would prefer to do this yourself the prayer is below.
Rev Rona
Epiphany house blessing
God of Light, bless this home.
Make it a haven of rest
for all in need of your warmth and care.
And when we go out from this place,
may we never lose sight of the Epiphany star.
May all who enter throughout the year find love and light;
for Christ has come to dwell in this home
and in these hearts. Amen
Diocese website reports Lights Switch On Event
The Bath & Wells Diocese has produced a report on the Lights Switch On in St John's Church that took place on 24 November. In the report on their website, Hundreds join Christmas lights switch on at St John’s Church Milborne Port, they say:
'Hundreds of people packed into St John’s Church and grounds in Milborne Port on Friday evening (24 November) to mark the switching on of the Christmas lights. This was the first time the celebration in the Village was held at St John’s Church and those who attended for the singing, food.
'Revd Rona Stuart-Bourne said “I am overjoyed that we are able to welcome the whole community and to make the church the centre of the community and put the community at the centre of the church.”'
See for the full report.
Prisons week of prayer 8th - 14th Oct 2023
From Helen Solomon (Benefice Administrator)
As some of you know, I have worked in a number of prisons and encountered many kinds of souls. This campaign is very close to my heart. If you can, please go to the website:
Funeral Planning
Following on from some requests, Rev Rona has created a template for Funeral Planning.
Often families have no idea what their loved ones would like at their funeral, and this is a free, and simple way to help your loved ones at that dreadful time. These sheets will be available in the Parish Office in Milborne Port. Please collect one and fill in any funeral choices (hymns, readings, music etc).
Return the completed form to the Parish Office and feel free to come in and make any changes you wish at any time.
Look out for a Coffee Morning where Rev Rona will launch this idea and there will be an opportunity to chat about a subject which is infrequently spoken about, but would help us all enormously.
Sponsor a hymn
Sponsor a hymn.
If you would like to sponsor a hymn, there is now a signup sheet and some donation envelopes at the back of St John’s Church.
Please give the completed envelope to David Johnson
If more than one person likes the same hymn, that is fine.
Suggested donation: £5
New! Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
If you would like an easy new way to give money to your parish, have a look at this new scheme that is now available for all to use.
The PGS makes it possible for givers to:
- Give One-Off amounts by Credit/Debit cards and Apple/Google pay wallets.
- Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit.
- Sign up to inflation-linked giving annually.
- Enhance your gift to your church by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your giving.
- Give anonymously.
- The system is secure, confidential and easy to use
The team at PGS make it safe and easy for you to give and just as safe and easy for your church to receive, easing the administration burden for treasurers and church volunteers.
To find out more, talk to Rev Rona or go to: