Milborne Port churches

A Poem for Praying

A Poem for Praying

This beautiful prayer is one I am praying at the beginning of a time of Contemplative Prayer daily. I highly recommend it to you.

Rev Rona

The Cave of the Heart

Teach us,
O Christ,
the quiet way
into the silence
of hearts emptied and grown still,
there to wait for your abiding.

As your Spirit
steals gently over the face
of our longing,
give, we pray,
the gift of rest,
and a freedom from those compulsions
which drive us on
and cause again your passion.

Thus shall we know your lightness of being;
and from the dark cave of our hearts
rise up
and live
a strong new day;
instruments of your peace
for the world's joy. Amen.

Written by Patrick Woodhouse, in his book With You is the Well of Life.