Milborne Port churches

Baptisms (also known as Christenings)

A baptism in St John's Church
A baptism in St John's Church (click for larger image)
X A baptism in St John's Church A baptism in St John's Church
“Usually the service will take place at 12pm on a Sunday”

In the Milborne Port Churches we do everything we can to make the Baptism or Christening of your child, or of you if you are an adult, personal.

We believe that this service is a time when we celebrate God choosing each one of us, giving us a chance of a new life, and encouraging and equipping us to go out into the world to shine as a light into the darkness. This threefold element of the service involves the use of Blessed Oil (symbolic of God choosing the person being baptised), the water in the font (symbolic of the new life), and a candle (symbolic of shining in the darkness).

This service is a time when the child, or their godparents on their behalf are introduced to this special, personal relationship which they now have with God through Baptism. It is a joyful service where regular Christians, and those who never come to Church can join in and enjoy this sacrament.

A few special family Orders of Service will be produced to include a photo of the person being christened, and the words inside will include the names of parents and godparents rather than just the generic ‘parents and godparents’. One of the favourite parts of the service includes the godparents readings, prayers or letters. These are either read by them, or by the priest taking the service.

As you arrive you will see a photo of the person being Christened on the board, so you are assured of the prayers of the whole congregation during the time of the Baptism.

The words of the service say ‘In Baptism the Lord is adding to our number those who are being saved.’ It would be a delight to welcome you to one of our churches for a baptism/christening.

Practical information

Usually the service will take place at 12pm on a Sunday, and there will only be one baptism service at a time. The service will last for 30-45 minutes.

There is no charge for the service, but as a charity we would warmly welcome donations towards the running of the Church.

Hymns are not part of the regular tradition of Christenings in this Benefice, however please talk to the priest if you would really like to include a hymn. There will be a charge made for this which will go directly to the organist.

We will need to meet and fill in forms, and agree a date. Please give at least 4-6 weeks notice if possible.

Contact details: Rev Rona Stuart-Bourne, 01963 845278

See a brilliant Introduction to Baptism and Christening in the Church of England.