Below is a list of future special services and special events. For all church services please see the Calendar and for all events please see Events.
2:00pm Funeral of Anne Bawtree, Milborne Port
10:00am Community Thanksgiving, Milborne Port
12:00pm Deadline for Parish Magazine entries
All entries for the October issue of the magazine to the editor please by Saturday 21st September at 12 noon latest.
Editor’s email :
All email contributions will be acknowledged. If you do not receive a reply, or if you are unable to use email, please ring 01963 33495
12:00pm International Day of Peace
Whatever you are doing, please pause at 12 noon local time on September 21st and join people all across the globe in a Minute of Silence/Moment of Peace.
The Minute of Silence/Moment of Peace has grown throughout the world and is supported by the United Nations, Rotary, Mayors for Peace and many NGOs globally. This minute, observed at 12 noon in all time zones, is a shared and practical act of peacebuilding in which all individuals, organizations and nations can participate. This minute can be used to meditate, envision a nuclear free world, pray for those impacted by war and violence, or focus on peace in a way that is meaningful for you.
O God, on this day, the International Day of Peace,
we remember that war and violence continue to maim, kill and destroy.
Hundreds of thousands of human beings look at their sisters and brothers over the barrels of guns, cannons and missiles.
Help us to hear your voice that counsels forgiveness, compassion, patience and dialogue.
Help us to “thirst after ever greater justice,” so that we might contribute to a peaceful world.
Help us to act on behalf of peace, not only today, but all of the days of our life. Amen.
6:00pm Harvest, Milborne Wick
6:00pm Harvest, Goathill
7:00pm Milborne Port PCC Meeting
7:30pm Concert AUTUMN LEAVES
Charlton Horethorne Church
"A celebration of the Autumn Season in music and words" with the programme devised and presented by John Mathew.
Wine, soft drinks, and nibbles will be offered, sponsored by the Kings Arms Hotel.
Generous donations are invited in aid of:
- The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Fund (RABI).
- Village Church Funds.
St Johns Open Day 'All Good Gifts Around Us'
St John's Church, Milborne Port
The year is rolling on, and thoughts now turn to the St John’s annual Open Day. In recent years, the church has been decorated with wedding finery, Christening gowns, paintings, and other creative works of art.All Good Gifts Around Us
This year, the open day coincides with Harvest Festival on Sunday 6th October. So, to reflect this, we are asking people to contribute a display which reflects the theme “”. The display doesn’t have to be large, and it can be as abstract as you like. Might it be a simple flower arrangement, a selection of home grown produce, a painting, or a piece of needlecraft…? Whatever, we would like contributions to be as diverse as possible. Anything which reflects the beauty and wonder of the gifts which surround us.
We would also very much appreciate people to come into the church to look at the displays, and to enjoy being in our beautiful church. As we are only temporary custodians of this ancient building, we are hoping very much that people will consider leaving a donation, or financial gift, which will help keep the church in good order for future Milborne Port generations. It costs a lot of money to maintain a huge building like St John’s. It is the village church and has been for hundreds of years, and is there for everyone now and, God willing, for years to come.
So, if you are part of one of the many village groups, clubs or societies, or if you run a business, or if you simply fancy creating a display yourself, and would like to be part of this, please contact me on 250660 or email Thank you in anticipation.
Susan Wales, Churchwarden
10:30am Harvest Festival, Milborne Port
6:00pm Harvest Festival, Stowell
6:30pm Harvest Supper
Church House, Milborne Port
Friday 11th October 6:30pm for 7pm, at Church House, Milborne Port.
Short Quiz and raffle.
All funds in aid of Christian Aid.
Tickets £7.50 available from Clare Silk [tel 548472 or 548472]
Offers of help gratefully received!
6:00pm Harvest Festival, Charlton Horethorne
10:00am Community Thanksgiving, Milborne Port
10:30am Pat Elliot’s ministry service, Milborne Port
3:00pm All Souls, Milborne Port
10:30am Remembrance Service, Milborne Port
6:00pm Remembrance Service, Charlton Horethorne
10:00am Community Thanksgiving, Milborne Port
7:00pm Milborne Port PCC Meeting