Milborne Port churches

Church Electoral Rolls

Electoral Roll
Electoral Roll (click for larger image)
X Electoral Roll Electoral Roll

Each of our three parishes keeps an electoral roll, which is updated before every annual meeting (APCM) and published in each church.  Once in every six years, the preparation of new church electoral rolls takes place, which means that everyone must come off the roll and re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of new rolls is in 2025.

The current electoral roll numbers for each church are shown below.  An application form to be added to the electoral roll is also available below.

Milborne Port 110
Milborne Wick 7
Charlton Horethorne 53
Goathill 5

Revision of the electoral rolls takes place several weeks before each APCM.

Please see Electoral Roll page on the Bath & Wells website for more information including new rules and the Electoral Roll Certificate.