Milborne Port churches
Louisa and Joe on their wedding day


Wedding couple with Rev Rona
Wedding couple with Rev Rona (click for larger image)
X Wedding couple with Rev Rona Wedding couple with Rev Rona
“We have wonderful teams of bell ringers, organists and vergers”

The beautiful churches of this benefice really lend themselves to wedding services. We love to hold weddings for all those with a ‘qualifying connection’ to one of the Churches or to the Benefice. Please see Our Churches on this website to see a list of our churches where your wedding can be held.

We are also able to offer weddings for those who have been divorced, depending on the circumstances.

In the first instance please get in touch with the priest (Rev Rona Stuart-Bourne, 01963 845278) who will arrange for a meeting to begin to make plans. During the following weeks and months you will meet on regular occasions so that when the wedding comes around both priest and couple know each other (which always makes for a much more enjoyable day!)

The intention is to have at least one Marriage Preparation Course a year, usually in March or April and running for three consecutive Saturday mornings. The course runs through the Marriage service, drawing out the significance of the words which are spoken for the whole of your marriage. It has been thoroughly enjoyed by all who have participated.

We have wonderful teams of bell ringers, organists and vergers to ensure the day runs smoothly. Parking is easier in some churches than others. Milborne Port Church as the biggest one has access to toilet facilities but unfortunately the parking is rather sparce.

The Cost of a wedding in the Church of England is the same the country over and you can find out the details at the list of Wedding Fees on the Church of England website.  Usually the legal entry to weddings will be via Banns, and the full payment will be due at the third reading of the Banns. However, we can explain that when we meet!

Decisions which you will need to make include the music (music in and out of Church and while we sign the documents, and also hymns), and two readings (one from the Bible and one not). We recommend using this Church of England website for guidance.

We really do enjoy being able to offer very personalised weddings where you can craft the day exactly as you wish. Please get in touch so we can begin planning your unique day.