Milborne Port churches

Milborne Port Parish

St John's Church, Milborne Port
St John's Church, Milborne Port
X St John's Church, Milborne Port St John's Church, Milborne Port

Below is a list of officers for Milborne Port Parish, which includes St John's Church and Milborne Wick Mission Church.

Churchwarden: Mrs Nicki Edwards
Churchwarden: Mrs Susan Wales01963 250660
PCC Secretary: Mrs Felicity John01963 250382
Treasurer: Mr Paul Springett01963 220790
Organist: Mrs Rachel Greaves01935 813958
Tower Captain: Mrs Susan Wales01963 250660
Safeguarding: Mrs Nicki Edwards
Verger: Mr Ronnie Goodman  01963 845082
Verger: Mrs June Goodman01963 845082
Electoral Roll Officer: Mr Graham Sharpless01963 250933